Is Egern not working / having issues for you?


Recently reported problems with Egern within the last 24 hours

Not Working72%
Login Issue51%
Loading Problem24%
Installation Issue8%

Egern App Status (April 2024)

If you are having trouble with the Egern app, it may be due to a problem with your device or internet connection. If you suspect that the app itself is causing the issue, please submit a comment describing the problem, and someone from the community may be able to assist you. In the meantime, you can try the following troubleshooting steps.

App Name Egern
App Category Utilities
Developer Byte Crossing
Relase Date 11 July 2022, Monday
Last Update 04 March 2024, Monday
Compatibility IOS 16.0 or later

Common Egern App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

Android, iOS, or macOS operating system users may encounter a problem where an app will display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, with or without an error message. However, there are a few methods you can try to fix this issue:

  1. Sometimes, this problem may be caused by a temporary loading issue. To fix this, go to the recent applications menu on your phone, usually accessed by the first left button, and close the app that is experiencing the issue. Then, re-open the app.
  2. If that doesn't work, try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Android device by simultaneously pressing and holding the "Home" and "Power" buttons for up to 10 seconds, then release them and hold the "Power" button until the screen turns on. After that, try opening the app again.
  3. If none of the above solutions work, another option is to wait for the phone battery to drain and turn off automatically. After that, charge the phone and turn it on and try opening the app again.
  4. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and re-install the app. Re-installing the app will restore all settings.
  5. If the app still does not work, you can try installing older versions of the app.

My Egern app wont load or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error / screen freeze / ping problem)

There are a number of reasons why a mobile app may experience loading issues. Some common causes include:

  1. The Egern app server may be experiencing downtime, which can cause loading issues. Try accessing the app again after a few minutes.
  2. Your wifi or mobile data connection may not be working properly, which can affect the app's ability to load. Make sure your connection is stable.
  3. There may be too many users accessing the app at the same time, causing a slowdown. In this case, try accessing the app again after a few minutes when usage may be lower.

I'm having Egern login issue or account related issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in or with your account, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check if the Egern server is down, as this can cause login and account issues. If so, try logging in again after a few minutes.
  2. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is working properly.
  3. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials. Double check the details you are entering.
  4. If you're logging in using a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, check to make sure that the service is functioning properly by visiting its official website.
  5. If you see error message, check if your account has been banned or deactivated.

I have Egern app installation issues

There seems to be some issues with the installation of the Egern app. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your wifi or internet connection is stable.
  2. Verify that you have enough storage space on your mobile device. A lack of sufficient space may prevent the app from being installed.
  3. Check that the version of the MacOS, IOS or Android operating system on your device is compatible with the version of the app you are trying to install.
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My Egern app is not updating properly in my phone

In order to ensure that you are able to update the Egern app, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is functioning properly. If the connection is down, it may prevent the app from updating.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the updates. If there is not enough space, it may prevent the app from updating.

Audio/video loading problem with Egern

If you are experiencing audio problems while using a phone, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the volume on your phone is not turned down or muted.
  2. Try using headphones to determine if the problem is with the phone's speakers or with the app itself.

If you are having trouble with videos loading, some potential solutions include:

  1. Checking your internet speed and wifi connectivity to ensure that you have a stable connection.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the videos.
  3. Check if the app is compatible with your operating system version.
  4. Check that your phone is not running on low-power mode.

Egern app notifications are not working properly

If you are not receiving notifications for the Egern app, you can check the app's notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Apps" section on your device. Locate the "Egern" app.
  2. Check the notification settings to see if they are enabled. If they are not, please enable them.
  3. If you are not getting notification sounds, make sure that the app's notification sound is not accidentally muted.

Please wait! Egern app comments loading...

I have a problem with Egern!

Are you experiencing issues with the Egern app or would you like to share some feedback? Please write your problem above and someone from our community may help you.

Egern Developer Updates

Version 1.17.0 04 March 2024
New Features
· System Network Traffic Control Support: Comprehensive support for system network traffic control, including all networks, APNs, cellular services, and local networks, allowing you to manage network usage more flexibly.
· New JS Engine: Introduction of a new JS engine that supports JIT and standard Web APIs, improving page loading speeds and interaction experiences.
· Enhanced Surge Module Compatibility: Optimized the surge module to enhance compatibility with other services, ensuring more stable network connections.
· Compatibility with Surge Rule Set Inline Comments: Added compatibility for inline comment prefixes in Surge rule sets, making rule configuration more flexible and convenient.
Bug Fixes
· URL Rule Issue: Fixed a specific URL rule issue that led to app crashes.
· Socks Proxy External Connection Failure: Resolved an issue where external connections failed when using socks proxies, ensuring stable network connections.
· VPN Invisibility Failure with IPv6 Enabled: Fixed a problem where the VPN invisibility feature became ineffective with IPv6 enabled, enhancing privacy protection.
· VIF Routing Support: Now supports including and excluding VIF routing, making network routing management more flexible.
· UDP Packet Truncation Issue: Fixed a UDP packet truncation issue in vmess and vless protocols, ensuring the integrity of data transmission.
· IPv6 CIDR Parsing Issue: Fixed an IPv6 CIDR parsing issue, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of network configurations..
Version 1.14.0 05 January 2024
New Features:
· Support for Hysteria 2 Proxy Protocol: We've introduced support for the latest Hysteria 2 proxy protocol, enhancing your network experience with smoother connectivity.
· HTTP Parser Performance Optimization: Our HTTP parser has undergone extensive optimization, improving efficiency and ensuring more stable and faster network connections.
· Fixed Issue with Strategy Group Selection Record: Resolved an issue where some strategy groups failed to correctly record the last selected strategy, making the settings more user-friendly.
· Optimized TCP Connection Time in VIF Only Mode on Mac: When using VIF Only mode on Mac, we've improved TCP connection establishment time for quicker network access.
Bug Fixes:
· Fixed Crash Issue When Editing Text Boxes: Addressed a crash issue that could occur while editing text boxes, enhancing the app's stability.
· Resolved Network Latency Test Failure in Secure DNS: Fixed a problem where network latency tests for strategy groups might fail under secure DNS.
· Fixed VPN Activation Failure: Resolved an issue where activating the VPN could fail in certain situations, ensuring smooth network access.
· Addressed Frequent System DNS Updates: We've fixed the issue of frequent system DNS updates, reducing network interference and improving connection stability..
Version 1.12.0 05 November 2023
New Features:
· Introduced outbound mode: global proxy, rule mode, and direct connection.
· Reset VPN configuration within Egern.
· Module file location now remembers the last chosen type.
· Capability to expand all policies under a policy group.
· Support for VIF Only mode activation.
· Specify hosts that can bypass the Tunnel proxy.
· Auto-update references in other policy groups after deleting a policy group.
· Option added to skip certificate verification when using TLS proxy.
· Enhanced stability for VPN in VIF Only mode.
· Optimized Javascript script local storage read/write speed.
· Refined the specified packet capture host page and MITM host page.
· Improved compatibility for the surge module.
· Fine-tuned the MITM host and HTTP packet capture pages.
Bug Fixes:
· Resolved lag issues on the policy page.
· Fixed an issue where the script's http client request failed, rendering the YouTube bilingual module inoperative.
· Addressed a crash issue during script execution.
· Fixed a crash when adding a URL to a policy group.
· Synchronized policy name changes across policy groups when a policy group name is edited..
Version 1.8.0 01 August 2023
- Resolved an issue that prevented URL Regex rules from taking effect
- Enhanced the process of updating external resources
- Fine-tuned the automatic selection mechanism for policy groups
- Upgraded the compatibility with Surge configurations
- Extended rule functionality to support Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
- Introduced the ability to utilize custom DNS servers
- Enabled DNS mapping feature
- Provided secure DNS resolution options including DNS over HTTPS (DoH), DNS over TLS (DoT), and DNS over QUIC (DoQ)
- Boosted the connection speed for Trojan
- Addressed and rectified bugs within the code editor.
Version 1.7.0 17 May 2023
- We've fixed the issue of the app crashing during latency tests, improving app stability.
- You can now directly edit module functions in local files, making operation more convenient.
- Our module functions are now compatible with Surge modules, enhancing compatibility.
- We've fixed the issue that prevented saving imported configurations, allowing you to better customize app settings.
- When changing the names of proxies and policy groups, we now also synchronously update the policy name in rules, ensuring consistency.
- The rule set function has been upgraded, and you can now directly edit it in local files.
- We've broadened our compatibility scope and can now accommodate older versions of Surge modules.
- We've fixed the issue of the app crashing when adding local rule sets and modules, making your operations smoother.
- We've optimized the home page UI. We hope you'll like the new design..
Version 1.6.0 27 November 2022
Bug fixes and performance improvements..
Version 1.5.0 17 October 2022
Bug fixes and performance improvements..
Version 1.4.0 17 August 2022
Bug fixes and performance improvements..
Similar app Problems
✓ Egern Help Center Note

Update your device software to the latest version, delete the app and redownload it from the app store. Your egern app progress will be retained as long as the device is connected to the internet. Also, ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements.