Is Signal - Private Messenger not working / having issues for you?

Signal - Private Messenger

Recently reported problems with Signal - Private Messenger within the last 24 hours

Not Working1%
Login Issue90%
Loading Problem95%
Installation Issue38%

Signal - Private Messenger App Status (May 2024)

If you are having trouble with the Signal - Private Messenger app, it may be due to a problem with your device or internet connection. If you suspect that the app itself is causing the issue, please submit a comment describing the problem, and someone from the community may be able to assist you. In the meantime, you can try the following troubleshooting steps.

App Name Signal - Private Messenger
App Category Social Networking
Developer Signal Messenger, LLC
Relase Date 29 July 2014, Tuesday
Last Update 13 March 2024, Wednesday
Compatibility IOS 13.0 or later

Common Signal - Private Messenger App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

Android, iOS, or macOS operating system users may encounter a problem where an app will display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, with or without an error message. However, there are a few methods you can try to fix this issue:

  1. Sometimes, this problem may be caused by a temporary loading issue. To fix this, go to the recent applications menu on your phone, usually accessed by the first left button, and close the app that is experiencing the issue. Then, re-open the app.
  2. If that doesn't work, try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Android device by simultaneously pressing and holding the "Home" and "Power" buttons for up to 10 seconds, then release them and hold the "Power" button until the screen turns on. After that, try opening the app again.
  3. If none of the above solutions work, another option is to wait for the phone battery to drain and turn off automatically. After that, charge the phone and turn it on and try opening the app again.
  4. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and re-install the app. Re-installing the app will restore all settings.
  5. If the app still does not work, you can try installing older versions of the app.

My Signal - Private Messenger app wont load or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error / screen freeze / ping problem)

There are a number of reasons why a mobile app may experience loading issues. Some common causes include:

  1. The Signal - Private Messenger app server may be experiencing downtime, which can cause loading issues. Try accessing the app again after a few minutes.
  2. Your wifi or mobile data connection may not be working properly, which can affect the app's ability to load. Make sure your connection is stable.
  3. There may be too many users accessing the app at the same time, causing a slowdown. In this case, try accessing the app again after a few minutes when usage may be lower.

I'm having Signal - Private Messenger login issue or account related issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in or with your account, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check if the Signal - Private Messenger server is down, as this can cause login and account issues. If so, try logging in again after a few minutes.
  2. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is working properly.
  3. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials. Double check the details you are entering.
  4. If you're logging in using a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, check to make sure that the service is functioning properly by visiting its official website.
  5. If you see error message, check if your account has been banned or deactivated.

I have Signal - Private Messenger app installation issues

There seems to be some issues with the installation of the Signal - Private Messenger app. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your wifi or internet connection is stable.
  2. Verify that you have enough storage space on your mobile device. A lack of sufficient space may prevent the app from being installed.
  3. Check that the version of the MacOS, IOS or Android operating system on your device is compatible with the version of the app you are trying to install.
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My Signal - Private Messenger app is not updating properly in my phone

In order to ensure that you are able to update the Signal - Private Messenger app, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is functioning properly. If the connection is down, it may prevent the app from updating.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the updates. If there is not enough space, it may prevent the app from updating.

Audio/video loading problem with Signal - Private Messenger

If you are experiencing audio problems while using a phone, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the volume on your phone is not turned down or muted.
  2. Try using headphones to determine if the problem is with the phone's speakers or with the app itself.

If you are having trouble with videos loading, some potential solutions include:

  1. Checking your internet speed and wifi connectivity to ensure that you have a stable connection.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the videos.
  3. Check if the app is compatible with your operating system version.
  4. Check that your phone is not running on low-power mode.

Signal - Private Messenger app notifications are not working properly

If you are not receiving notifications for the Signal - Private Messenger app, you can check the app's notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Apps" section on your device. Locate the "Signal - Private Messenger" app.
  2. Check the notification settings to see if they are enabled. If they are not, please enable them.
  3. If you are not getting notification sounds, make sure that the app's notification sound is not accidentally muted.

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I have a problem with Signal - Private Messenger!

Are you experiencing issues with the Signal - Private Messenger app or would you like to share some feedback? Please write your problem above and someone from our community may help you.

Signal - Private Messenger Developer Updates

Version 7.2 13 March 2024
• If you're looking for a faster way to start a new chat, now you can quickly scan a username QR code from the "Find by Username" screen..
Version 6.54 20 December 2023
• We fixed a bug that caused muted chats that were marked as unread to still appear in the unread total on the Signal icon even when that setting was disabled. Now the badge count consistently ignores any conversations that you choose to consistently ignore.
• This update also enables VoiceOver support for message reactions, stickers, and wallpaper color selections..
Version 6.50 15 November 2023
• We updated the contact sharing interface, so now you can send your friend the info for your favorite interior decorator on a screen that has already been redecorated. You can still select which fields to share for maximum feng shui too..
Version 6.41.1 15 September 2023
• We fixed a few bugs in the device transfer process just in case anyone is getting ready to announce some new phones soon..
Version 6.32 13 July 2023
• We updated the icons within the app to help improve legibility, especially if you live within the darkness of Dark Mode. The previous icons merely adopted the dark. These new icons were born in it, molded by it..
Version 6.23 11 May 2023
• We added a new (and optional) List mode in the All Media view. If you decide to go off the grid, now you can see more info at a glance, including file names, file sizes, dates, etc.
• This release also includes several performance improvements and startup speed enhancements. If you have a lot of large conversations, or a lot of messages, we hope that you’ll notice a little difference..
Version 6.12 03 March 2023
• The new and improved All Media view makes it easier to spot old GIFs in your favorite chats, keep track of where you are in the timeline while scrolling, and see the length of individual videos.
• We fixed a few bugs, including one that sometimes made an endless progress spinner appear while trying to leave a group. If you have been enthusiastically trying to escape from an "Escape Room Enthusiasts" group, the puzzle has been solved and the door is now open..
Version 6.6 14 December 2022
• When you start a group call for small groups (up to 16 people), you can choose to send a ringing notification. Group members will hear a ring if their Signal app is up to date..
Version 5.59 27 October 2022
• Assorted bug fixes to keep your app running smoothly. Thanks for using Signal!.
Version 5.49 15 August 2022
• Bug fixes, tweaks, and plans for the future.
Version 5.42 23 June 2022
• Fixes to voice memos for people who use right-to-left languages like Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew.
• Speeding up messages for big group chats.
• Various other bug fixes and performance improvements to help keep your app running smoothly..
Version 5.36.0 29 April 2022
• Sending a video in a chat? You can now see the duration before you hit send.
• You can now view tax receipts for your Signal Sustainer and Boost donations. Receipts are generated locally for your privacy, and therefore will only be available for future donations. Thanks for supporting Signal!
• We tweaked some text throughout the app to make things a little clearer.
• We squashed a couple of annoying crashes.
• Various other bugfixes and performance improvements help keep your app running smoothly..
Version 5.29.0 22 February 2022
• Profile photos for 1-1 and group chats will now reliably appear in notifications
• Various performance improvements for very large groups.
Version 5.26.8 21 December 2021
• We spruced up the chat list a bit to make unread chats clearer to see
• Fixes for some issues with search and zooming in on photos.
Version 5.23.1 27 October 2021
• Fixed some issues related to notifications
• Try out the new 'send messages' permission to restrict who can send messages in your groups. Great for organizing an event, making an announcement, or just shouting from the rooftops. All members must be on the latest version of Signal for the setting to appear.
• We know you love speed (and we don't mean the 1994 blockbuster hit starring Sandra Bullock), so sending messages is now faster than ever..
Version 5.18.3 18 August 2021
• A picture may be worth 1k words, but now you can send them in 4k. Use the the new quality selector to optionally send higher-resolution photos. You can also default to always send higher resolution photos in Settings > Data Usage.
• When you long press a message, a snappy new menu lets you quickly react, reply, delete, and more.
• Introducing “My Daily Life”, a new animated sticker pack by artist Plastic Thing.
• We’ve made several improvements to help make scrolling your chat list smoother..
Version 5.15 28 June 2021
• Fixed a bug that wouldn't let you send larger images. Panorama-tastic.
Interested in helping improve Signal? We're hiring. Visit to learn more..
Version 5.10 25 April 2021
• Fall in love with several improvements to the media upload and download experience. It may seem like everything is happening really fast, especially when you send multiple photos and videos all at once, but love is like that sometimes. It's OK to start feeling more attached to sending more attachments.
• Love and loss are inextricably connected, so we also broke up with a bug that made it impossible to share long videos from other apps (like the iOS Photos app).
• As part of our ongoing efforts to redesign and enhance the app, we updated the chat settings screen to make common actions easier to find and to help you find common ground in one-on-one chats by displaying the groups that both of you have in common.
Interested in helping improve Signal? We're hiring. Visit to learn more..
Version 5.6 01 March 2021
• Between the improvements in this update and the improvements in the last update, Signal can now process 16,500% more messages per second. Now you can immediately see the mountain of unread messages that arrived while your cellular reception was taking a hike.
• Incoming video calls weren't always ringing for some users on iOS 14, but we aren't hung up on this bug anymore.
• People with tons and tons of contacts may still struggle to handle the weight of their own popularity, but Signal no longer makes them wait as long or struggles to handle their super-large address books.
Interested in helping improve Signal? We're hiring. Visit to learn more..
Version 5.0.3 23 December 2020
Introducing group calling! Group calls are free, private, and end-to-end encrypted, like everything else on Signal. To get started, open a Signal group and tap the video call button. Available in New Groups only..
Version 3.22.2 04 December 2020
* Adds reaction support for new emoji introduced in iOS 14.2
* Fixes a crash for users of older versions of iOS 11
* Fixes a crash on launch experienced by some users
This is the last version of Signal with support for iOS versions older than iOS 11.2. Please update your iOS version to continue using Signal..
Version 3.22.1 01 December 2020
* Adds reaction support for new emoji introduced in iOS 14.2
* Fixes a crash for users of older versions of iOS 11
This is the last version of Signal with support for iOS versions older than iOS 11.2. Please update your iOS version to continue using Signal..
Version 3.21 25 October 2020
New features for Signal private groups are now available, including group admins, @ mentions, group links and more! Available in new groups you create, and coming soon to your existing groups.
- @mentions let you mention someone in the group. They’ll be to jump directly to that mention the next time they open the chat, and you can also set your notifications to only notify you when you’re mentioned.
- Admins are able to remove members from a group, manage who can add people to the group or modify the group’s info, and make other members admins as well.
- Group links let you invite people to join a group simply by sharing a link with them. You can also require admin approval if someone requests to join your group via a link..
Version 3.18 05 October 2020
* Ability to choose custom sounds for notifications (contributed by Cristopher Kobusch)
* Ability to enable the torch / flash while recording a video (contributed by Heinrich Dahms)
* Fixing vertical alignment in the input text view when using smaller than default text size (widely requested by beta users, fixed by Fumiaki Yoshimatsu)
* Allow sharing of PDFs from Safari (contributed by Fumiaki Yoshimatsu).
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✓ Signal - Private Messenger Help Center Note

Update your device software to the latest version, delete the app and redownload it from the app store. Your signal - private messenger app progress will be retained as long as the device is connected to the internet. Also, ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements.