Is not working / having issues for you?


Recently reported problems with within the last 24 hours

Not Working59%
Login Issue59%
Loading Problem80%
Installation Issue41% App Status (May 2024)

If you are having trouble with the app, it may be due to a problem with your device or internet connection. If you suspect that the app itself is causing the issue, please submit a comment describing the problem, and someone from the community may be able to assist you. In the meantime, you can try the following troubleshooting steps.

App Name
App Category Weather
Developer Windy Weather World Inc
Relase Date 26 June 2015, Friday
Last Update 11 March 2024, Monday
Compatibility IOS 13.0 or later

Common App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

Android, iOS, or macOS operating system users may encounter a problem where an app will display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, with or without an error message. However, there are a few methods you can try to fix this issue:

  1. Sometimes, this problem may be caused by a temporary loading issue. To fix this, go to the recent applications menu on your phone, usually accessed by the first left button, and close the app that is experiencing the issue. Then, re-open the app.
  2. If that doesn't work, try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Android device by simultaneously pressing and holding the "Home" and "Power" buttons for up to 10 seconds, then release them and hold the "Power" button until the screen turns on. After that, try opening the app again.
  3. If none of the above solutions work, another option is to wait for the phone battery to drain and turn off automatically. After that, charge the phone and turn it on and try opening the app again.
  4. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and re-install the app. Re-installing the app will restore all settings.
  5. If the app still does not work, you can try installing older versions of the app.

My app wont load or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error / screen freeze / ping problem)

There are a number of reasons why a mobile app may experience loading issues. Some common causes include:

  1. The app server may be experiencing downtime, which can cause loading issues. Try accessing the app again after a few minutes.
  2. Your wifi or mobile data connection may not be working properly, which can affect the app's ability to load. Make sure your connection is stable.
  3. There may be too many users accessing the app at the same time, causing a slowdown. In this case, try accessing the app again after a few minutes when usage may be lower.

I'm having login issue or account related issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in or with your account, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check if the server is down, as this can cause login and account issues. If so, try logging in again after a few minutes.
  2. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is working properly.
  3. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials. Double check the details you are entering.
  4. If you're logging in using a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, check to make sure that the service is functioning properly by visiting its official website.
  5. If you see error message, check if your account has been banned or deactivated.

I have app installation issues

There seems to be some issues with the installation of the app. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your wifi or internet connection is stable.
  2. Verify that you have enough storage space on your mobile device. A lack of sufficient space may prevent the app from being installed.
  3. Check that the version of the MacOS, IOS or Android operating system on your device is compatible with the version of the app you are trying to install. not working image-1 not working image-2 not working image-3 not working image-4

My app is not updating properly in my phone

In order to ensure that you are able to update the app, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is functioning properly. If the connection is down, it may prevent the app from updating.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the updates. If there is not enough space, it may prevent the app from updating.

Audio/video loading problem with

If you are experiencing audio problems while using a phone, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the volume on your phone is not turned down or muted.
  2. Try using headphones to determine if the problem is with the phone's speakers or with the app itself.

If you are having trouble with videos loading, some potential solutions include:

  1. Checking your internet speed and wifi connectivity to ensure that you have a stable connection.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the videos.
  3. Check if the app is compatible with your operating system version.
  4. Check that your phone is not running on low-power mode. app notifications are not working properly

If you are not receiving notifications for the app, you can check the app's notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Apps" section on your device. Locate the "" app.
  2. Check the notification settings to see if they are enabled. If they are not, please enable them.
  3. If you are not getting notification sounds, make sure that the app's notification sound is not accidentally muted.

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I have a problem with!

Are you experiencing issues with the app or would you like to share some feedback? Please write your problem above and someone from our community may help you. Developer Updates

Version 13.1.2 11 March 2024
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version 12.9.1 30 December 2023
Minor improvements and bug fixes.
Version 12.6.1 08 November 2023
Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements.
Version 12.4.2 06 September 2023
Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements.
Version 12.1.1 05 July 2023
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version 11.9.1 22 April 2023
*For all in and on the water*
View the water temperature forecast on the map! It’s available globally for seas and oceans, 10 days out and with 9.25 km resolution. Pick the best spots for swimming and diving, choose your wetsuit and decide where to go fishing for your favorite species.
This is fresh out of our “developers' oven”, so we’d really appreciate your feedback!
P.S. Check out our recent webinar on our 10 most useful features--the link is in the side menu..
Version 11.8.2 02 March 2023
*Best model mode*
What's the most accurate model for your spot? Thanks to live wind reports, we can compare forecasts to recent wind observations and determine it! Check it out on your favorite spots!
*AROME’s added to the map*
Tick “wind map with exceptionally high detail” off your wish list! AROME model has a 1.25 km grid and is good at forecasting severe storms and local winds. It’s a 42-hour forecast that covers Western Europe..
Version 11.7 29 December 2022
Minor bug fixes & Improvements.
Version 11.5 02 November 2022
Low season blues?
This version comes with... tips to help you get through!
1. Plan your next vacation using the 10-year weather archive
2. Make a bucket list of new places: browse spots\' photos and info
3. Learn: subscribe to our YouTube to see our weather lessons
Bug fixes and minor improvements are also there.
Version 11.2.1 13 August 2022
One more way to share a forecast
Outdoor activities are a lot more fun, when you do them with someone, right? To review the forecast together and to avoid misunderstanding, we recommend to:
- Take a screenshot of the forecast and share it the way, that’s usual for you (new!)
- Send a link to a particular location (spot) or to a weather station
- Create a private spot on the map and share the link
Have a blast!.
Version 11.0.3 16 June 2022
A treat for windsurfers! Hundreds of windsurfing spots are now on the map. Many of them have detailed spot info and photos, others are waiting to be reviewed by users with first hand knowledge..
Version 10.9.1 23 April 2022
Accuracy check!
You can now see 10 days history of actual wind and wind forecasts on one chart! This will help you choose the best model for the spot and learn about local wind patterns..
Version 10.7 17 February 2022
Check out real time wind from 30000+ weather stations. Go to the weather station screen to see the detailed 24h wind history, or tap on "show forecast" to get the most accurate forecast for the location..
Version 10.6.1 30 December 2021
Plan your trips?
Look for the comfortable time to travel in the weather archive. Now with precipitation.
Offline mode is fixed now
You may activate it when you're going to be out of the coverage..
Version 10.4 08 October 2021 update!
Local chats are great for learning more about the spot, discussing the forecast, and finding company. We’ve put your chats in one list accessible from the main page, so you could always stay tuned!
Also, some minor bugs have been fixed..
Version 10.2.2 26 August 2021
It's now much easier to customize the forecast table and wind color palette.
Now you can copy messages and use links..
Version 10.0.2 14 June 2021
Big weather stations update!
Wind direction on map, temperature and forecast accuracy for different models were added to keep the most important information about real time weather in one place!.
Version 9.8 28 April 2021
Big community update!
The Community keeps growing and we are happy to share your best moments. Don't forget to check out community feed to see latest activity on your spots!.
Version 9.6.1 17 February 2021
Get way more data!
We are pleased to announce that we have added almost 7000 more weather stations to the app so we have now more than 30.000 working stations.
If you want to add your own station to the app please contact us!.
Version 9.4 29 December 2020
Pressure graph in our new FISH PROfile
It is more convenient to monitor pressure changes: now you can consult the daily pressure graph just above the windbar on the spot screen. You just need to enable Fish Pro profile in the settings of the spot.
CAPE index
An indicator of atmospheric instability, which can lead to showers, thunderstorms and squalls. You can now add it to your custom profile or switch to SAIL, AIR or EXPERT.
Version 9.2.2 08 December 2020
Real-time weather
You can see whether it is windy near you or not immediately when you start the application: we brought the wind and direction from the nearest weather stations to the main screen (it works if you gave access to your geolocation). We have also compiled a guide to weather stations in our application - you can find it in the side menu in the "Guide" item..
Version 9.2 04 December 2020
Real-time weather
You can see whether it is windy near you or not immediately when you start the application: we brought the wind and direction from the nearest weather stations to the main screen (it works if you gave access to your geolocation). We have also compiled a guide to weather stations in our application - you can find it in the side menu in the "Guide" item..
Version 9.1 13 November 2020
HRRR weather model (updates every hour!)
Welcome a new US weather model in our family - HRRR NOAA model with real-time 3-km resolution, radar assimilation and hourly updated. Choose it in model picker on the spot screen.
We pinned time on the spot screen
Scroll the table down as much as you like - you will never get lost in time, because now it is always shown at the top! (Even custom profiles have become more convenient, yes, we have checked it)
Do you have your own outdoor business?
We have a tool to promote it: create a business profile and tell us about your special offers: whether it's a school, equipment rental or just a place for like-minded people..
Version 9.0 13 October 2020
Adjusting text size and Siri Shortcuts
Now you can choose the text size that suits you on the settings screen. The changes will affect the forecast view screen, weather station view and some other features.
Save time and set up Siri Shortcuts for faster access to the forecast for your favorite places on the home screen..
Similar app Problems
âś“ Help Center Note

Update your device software to the latest version, delete the app and redownload it from the app store. Your app progress will be retained as long as the device is connected to the internet. Also, ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements.