Is Church Center App not working / having issues for you?

Church Center App

Recently reported problems with Church Center App within the last 24 hours

Not Working17%
Login Issue91%
Loading Problem29%
Installation Issue37%

Church Center App App Status (May 2024)

If you are having trouble with the Church Center App app, it may be due to a problem with your device or internet connection. If you suspect that the app itself is causing the issue, please submit a comment describing the problem, and someone from the community may be able to assist you. In the meantime, you can try the following troubleshooting steps.

App Name Church Center App
App Category Lifestyle
Developer Ministry Centered Technologies
Relase Date 26 November 2018, Monday
Last Update 28 March 2024, Thursday
Compatibility IOS 13.4 or later

Common Church Center App App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

Android, iOS, or macOS operating system users may encounter a problem where an app will display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, with or without an error message. However, there are a few methods you can try to fix this issue:

  1. Sometimes, this problem may be caused by a temporary loading issue. To fix this, go to the recent applications menu on your phone, usually accessed by the first left button, and close the app that is experiencing the issue. Then, re-open the app.
  2. If that doesn't work, try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Android device by simultaneously pressing and holding the "Home" and "Power" buttons for up to 10 seconds, then release them and hold the "Power" button until the screen turns on. After that, try opening the app again.
  3. If none of the above solutions work, another option is to wait for the phone battery to drain and turn off automatically. After that, charge the phone and turn it on and try opening the app again.
  4. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and re-install the app. Re-installing the app will restore all settings.
  5. If the app still does not work, you can try installing older versions of the app.

My Church Center App app wont load or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error / screen freeze / ping problem)

There are a number of reasons why a mobile app may experience loading issues. Some common causes include:

  1. The Church Center App app server may be experiencing downtime, which can cause loading issues. Try accessing the app again after a few minutes.
  2. Your wifi or mobile data connection may not be working properly, which can affect the app's ability to load. Make sure your connection is stable.
  3. There may be too many users accessing the app at the same time, causing a slowdown. In this case, try accessing the app again after a few minutes when usage may be lower.

I'm having Church Center App login issue or account related issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in or with your account, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check if the Church Center App server is down, as this can cause login and account issues. If so, try logging in again after a few minutes.
  2. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is working properly.
  3. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials. Double check the details you are entering.
  4. If you're logging in using a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, check to make sure that the service is functioning properly by visiting its official website.
  5. If you see error message, check if your account has been banned or deactivated.

I have Church Center App app installation issues

There seems to be some issues with the installation of the Church Center App app. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your wifi or internet connection is stable.
  2. Verify that you have enough storage space on your mobile device. A lack of sufficient space may prevent the app from being installed.
  3. Check that the version of the MacOS, IOS or Android operating system on your device is compatible with the version of the app you are trying to install.
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My Church Center App app is not updating properly in my phone

In order to ensure that you are able to update the Church Center App app, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is functioning properly. If the connection is down, it may prevent the app from updating.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the updates. If there is not enough space, it may prevent the app from updating.

Audio/video loading problem with Church Center App

If you are experiencing audio problems while using a phone, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the volume on your phone is not turned down or muted.
  2. Try using headphones to determine if the problem is with the phone's speakers or with the app itself.

If you are having trouble with videos loading, some potential solutions include:

  1. Checking your internet speed and wifi connectivity to ensure that you have a stable connection.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the videos.
  3. Check if the app is compatible with your operating system version.
  4. Check that your phone is not running on low-power mode.

Church Center App app notifications are not working properly

If you are not receiving notifications for the Church Center App app, you can check the app's notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Apps" section on your device. Locate the "Church Center App" app.
  2. Check the notification settings to see if they are enabled. If they are not, please enable them.
  3. If you are not getting notification sounds, make sure that the app's notification sound is not accidentally muted.

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I have a problem with Church Center App!

Are you experiencing issues with the Church Center App app or would you like to share some feedback? Please write your problem above and someone from our community may help you.

Church Center App Developer Updates

Version 2024.3.29 28 March 2024
This update resolves an issue with check-ins based on location filters. We've also squished some bugs that showed up in our new Privacy Mode when using the directory. Lastly, we added support for headlines that can be added to the giving block on custom pages..
Version 2024.1.4 04 January 2024
Fixes a small UI issue on Groups RSVP screens
Improves the attendance report screen when a person's permission has changed.
Version 2023.11.7 07 November 2023
Fixes a crash that was occurring when navigating in Groups.
Version 2023.8.28 06 September 2023
Improved: Enhanced error handling and stability
Fixed: Display any recurring donation errors in My Giving
Fixed: Resolved some crashes.
Version 2023.6.27 28 June 2023
When opening a link from a church you are not currently logged into, you can now more easily switch to that church instead of being sent back to the browser.
Tapping a notification will take you to the intended page..
Version 2023.4.27 01 May 2023
New: Added support for the social media block
Fixed: Editing anniversary or birthdate will now work as expected
Fixed: SMS and phone number links will now work.
Improved: Made updates to behind-the-scenes libraries to improve app performance.
Version 2023.2.28 02 March 2023
Improved: Groups member detail page received some design tweaks
Fixed: The directory will no longer show an error in rare cases where a household didn't have a primary contact
Fixed: An unintended red line will no longer appear when viewing your schedule
Fixed: Other minor bugs.
Version 2022.12.14 15 December 2022
・Improved: Notes assigned to your team will now show up in your schedule.
・Improved: Show an appropriate error when accessing a deleted channel
・Fixed: Intermittent data loading bugs throughout the app.
Version 2022.10.18 21 October 2022
Fixed: App would sometimes freeze on the startup screen
Fixed: Date picker wouldn't show two-digit days with larger fonts
Improved: Updated verbiage when sharing a blockout with household.
Version 2022.8.9 15 August 2022
- Improved the playback slider for the sermon audio player
- Updated sermon audio player to support hosted audio ↪This feature is in beta. Have your church contact us to try this out! [email protected]..
Version 2022.6.14 15 June 2022
New: Tapping a phone number in the directory now allows for sending a text message.
Improved: Adding bank accounts can now link faster and use Stripe Financial Connections
Fixed: The correct fund will be displayed in the donation process for churches that have a large number of possible funds.
Fixed: Icon in the bottom navigation bar will no longer appear cropped.
Fixed: Dark Mode works as expected when using the new account switcher feature.
Fixed: Calendar locations now display properly for Groups events..
Version 2022.4.14 18 April 2022
Support for My Church Center—a new home base for all the events you're involved with your church! Respond to Services team requests, set your blockout dates, RSVP to Groups events, view your sign-ups, and bookmarked calendar events. If enabled by your church, you'll see this as your new home page..
Version 2022.1.28 01 February 2022
New: Added support for new content blocks in custom pages
Fixed: RSVP option has been removed for canceled events
Improved: Adding multiple images to a Group message has cleaner look.
Version 2021.10.29 31 October 2021
• Fixed: Crashes on iOS 12.
Version 2021.8.10 17 August 2021
New: You can tap a profile image in Groups messaging to see contact information
Improved: Group messages can have longer titles
Improved: Calendar events with a single schedule show unique event names
Improved: Faster app startup times
Improved: Canceled Group events show cancelation status on details page.
Version 2021.6.28 30 June 2021
・New: My Services is here! Respond to requests to serve, view your schedule, and manage your blockout dates all within Church Center.
・Fixed: Registrations did not show all signups on the event index.
Version 2021.4.27 28 April 2021
・Improved: Display custom title for built-in pages when they are customized in Publishing
・Fixed: Tapping return when editing a Groups message caused the keyboard to disappear
・Fixed: Missing profile data in Directory was displaying as "null"
・Fixed: Several dark mode visual bugs.
Version 2021.2.12 17 February 2021
・Improved: Hide "Find a Group" header if there are no groups to list
・New: Show attendee type capacity for Registration events
・Fixed: Cover the fee for Giving wasn't calculated correctly for prepaid debit cards.
Version 2020.12.14 15 December 2020
・Fixed: Sermon episodes were loading in the in-app browser.
Version 2020.12.04 08 December 2020
・New: Support for Calendar event imagery
・Improved: Support for passcode fallback when using biometrics
・Improved: Deep link support for Calendar and Directory views
・Fixed: Bugs related to adding bank accounts
・Fixed: Apple Pay as the default payment method for Giving
・This is the last release for iOS 11..
Version 3.2.5 24 November 2020
・Improved: Changes to improve resilience against unintended logouts
・Fixed: Prevent pre-checks at closed locations.
Version 3.2.2 06 November 2020
・Improvement: Under-the-hood changes to reduce logouts
・Fixed: Pre-check got stuck loading when re-opening the app.
Version 3.2.1 30 October 2020
・Fixed: A caching issue that was causing logouts.
Version 3.2.0 26 October 2020
・New: Support for 6K+ more banks and credit unions and improved micro-deposit experience when adding bank accounts for Giving
・Improved: Show individuals in household view on Directory
・Improved: Under-the-hood changes to help prevent forced logouts.
Version 3.1.6 23 October 2020
・Improved: Better support for different types of iframe embeds
・Improved: Handling when a Registration event can't be loaded
・Improved: Add profile link on sermons and allow sharing channels and episodes
・Improved: Better support real-world usage of household photos
・Fixed: Profiles not in households can now join the directory.
Version 3.1.5 13 October 2020
・Fixed: Directions button crash
・Fixed: Donations not working when Safari is not the default browser
・Fixed: Crash on My Giving when payment method no longer exists
・Fixed: Group video resources showing with an audio icon
・Fixed: Birthday and anniversaries displayed off by one day
・Fixed: Single-day events in Registrations were displaying as a range.
Similar app Problems
✓ Church Center App Help Center Note

Update your device software to the latest version, delete the app and redownload it from the app store. Your church center app app progress will be retained as long as the device is connected to the internet. Also, ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements.