Is Tomb of the Mask not working / having issues for you?

Tomb of the Mask

Recently reported problems with Tomb of the Mask within the last 24 hours

Not Working32%
Login Issue73%
Loading Problem47%
Installation Issue77%

Tomb of the Mask Game Status (May 2024)

If you are having trouble with the Tomb of the Mask game, it may be due to a problem with your device or internet connection. If you suspect that the game itself is causing the issue, please submit a comment describing the problem, and someone from the community may be able to assist you. In the meantime, you can try the following troubleshooting steps.

App Name Tomb of the Mask
App Category Games
Developer Playgendary Limited
Relase Date 09 February 2016, Tuesday
Last Update 16 April 2024, Tuesday
Compatibility IOS 12.0 or later

Common Tomb of the Mask App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

Android, iOS, or macOS operating system users may encounter a problem where an app will display a black screen for a few seconds before crashing, with or without an error message. However, there are a few methods you can try to fix this issue:

  1. Sometimes, this problem may be caused by a temporary loading issue. To fix this, go to the recent applications menu on your phone, usually accessed by the first left button, and close the app that is experiencing the issue. Then, re-open the app.
  2. If that doesn't work, try doing a hard reboot of your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Android device by simultaneously pressing and holding the "Home" and "Power" buttons for up to 10 seconds, then release them and hold the "Power" button until the screen turns on. After that, try opening the app again.
  3. If none of the above solutions work, another option is to wait for the phone battery to drain and turn off automatically. After that, charge the phone and turn it on and try opening the app again.
  4. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and re-install the game. Re-installing the app will restore all settings.
  5. If the app still does not work, you can try installing older versions of the app.

My Tomb of the Mask game wont load or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error / screen freeze / ping problem)

There are a number of reasons why a mobile app may experience loading issues. Some common causes include:

  1. The Tomb of the Mask app server may be experiencing downtime, which can cause loading issues. Try accessing the app again after a few minutes.
  2. Your wifi or mobile data connection may not be working properly, which can affect the app's ability to load. Make sure your connection is stable.
  3. There may be too many users accessing the app at the same time, causing a slowdown. In this case, try accessing the app again after a few minutes when usage may be lower.

I'm having Tomb of the Mask login issue or account related issues

If you are experiencing issues with logging in or with your account, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check if the Tomb of the Mask server is down, as this can cause login and account issues. If so, try logging in again after a few minutes.
  2. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is working properly.
  3. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials. Double check the details you are entering.
  4. If you're logging in using a third-party service like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, check to make sure that the service is functioning properly by visiting its official website.
  5. If you see error message, check if your account has been banned or deactivated.

I have Tomb of the Mask game installation issues

There seems to be some issues with the installation of the Tomb of the Mask app. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your wifi or internet connection is stable.
  2. Verify that you have enough storage space on your mobile device. A lack of sufficient space may prevent the app from being installed.
  3. Check that the version of the MacOS, IOS or Android operating system on your device is compatible with the version of the app you are trying to install.
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My Tomb of the Mask game is not updating properly in my phone

In order to ensure that you are able to update the Tomb of the Mask app, please take the following steps:

  1. Verify that your wifi or mobile data connection is functioning properly. If the connection is down, it may prevent the app from updating.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the updates. If there is not enough space, it may prevent the app from updating.

Audio/video loading problem with Tomb of the Mask

If you are experiencing audio problems while using a phone, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify that the volume on your phone is not turned down or muted.
  2. Try using headphones to determine if the problem is with the phone's speakers or with the app itself.

If you are having trouble with videos loading, some potential solutions include:

  1. Checking your internet speed and wifi connectivity to ensure that you have a stable connection.
  2. Make sure that your phone has enough storage space to download the videos.
  3. Check if the app is compatible with your operating system version.
  4. Check that your phone is not running on low-power mode.

Tomb of the Mask game notifications are not working properly

If you are not receiving notifications for the Tomb of the Mask app, you can check the app's notification settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to the "Apps" section on your device. Locate the "Tomb of the Mask" app.
  2. Check the notification settings to see if they are enabled. If they are not, please enable them.
  3. If you are not getting notification sounds, make sure that the app's notification sound is not accidentally muted.

I have issues with Tomb of the Mask game points/score updates

  1. It is possible that thousands or millions of users are playing the Tomb of the Mask game at the same time, which can cause delays in updating scores or points. In this case, it is best to be patient and check back after some time to see if the points have been updated.
  2. If the points still have not been updated, you can try closing or logging out of the app and logging back in. This can sometimes help refresh the game's connection and update the points.
  3. If none of the above steps resolve the issue, you can contact the developer of the Tomb of the Mask game for further assistance. Provide a brief description of the problem and, if possible, attach some screenshots that demonstrate the issue you are experiencing. This can help the developer understand and address your issue more quickly.

Tomb of the Mask game level / lives are not updating or suddenly decreased

Similar to points, concurrent user load on the server can also cause delays in updating levels in the Tomb of the Mask game. When too many players are accessing the game at the same time, it can slow down the server's processing of data, which may delay updates to a player's level or lives. In such cases, it's best to wait for a while and check back again later to see if the levels have been updated. It's also important to note that, since the slow down of server might lead to receiving wrong level information, so it's always recommended to cross-check the levels with other players or official site before reaching any conclusion. Please be patient as it is a common issue with popular games with many concurrent users and these delays are often temporary.

I can't able to invite friends to Tomb of the Mask, request lives or share points

  1. In order to invite friends to play the Tomb of the Mask game, you may need to sync the app with your contacts or social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. However, this process can sometimes be slow, as the app server needs to handle a large amount of data.
  2. If you experience this problem and it persists even after waiting, you may contact the developer of Tomb of the Mask for further assistance. In your message, briefly describe the issue you are experiencing and include any relevant screenshots, this will allow the developer to understand and address your problem more quickly.

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I have a problem with Tomb of the Mask!

Are you experiencing issues with the Tomb of the Mask game or would you like to share some feedback? Please write your problem above and someone from our community may help you.

Tomb of the Mask Developer Updates

Version 1.17.4 16 April 2024
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy!
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.17.0 08 February 2024
MASKS REVEAL: Take on a quest to overcome obstacles and conquer challenges with a diverse collection of masks! Each mask comes with special abilities that will help you express your individuality and triumph over adversaries.
RIO CARNIVAL EVENT: Join the festivities and feel the spirit of vibrant Rio Carnival in our exclusive event! Unlock exclusive masks, engage in exciting quests, and get special rewards..
Version 1.16.1 20 December 2023
UPDATE 16: Tomb’s Secret Benefits
• BRAND NEW MASKS: Sponge, Robin, and Black. Hurry up and grab exclusive masks that will help you overcome all the obstacles in the labyrinth full of unexpected twists and turns.
• UNLOCK ALL MASKS: Become a Tomb VIP Player and receive premium features and exclusive content with a "VIP Pack" offer.
• ACCESS ALL STAGES: Get unlimited energy and gain access to every action-packed stage with an "Unlock All" offer.
• BLOCK ADS: Focus on conquering challenges and achieving victories. Defeat your enemies and battle in quests without any distractions with a "Remove Ads" offer..
Version 1.15.2 31 August 2023
• BURNING MAN SPECIAL: Celebrate with the exclusive Mad Mask inspired by the iconic festival!
• TOMB' SEASON: Embark on a quest for crowns and earn special rewards in every mission!
• SKIPITS: Dive into an ad-free experience with Skip’its! Claim all rewards without the interruption of ads!
• COLOR QUEST UPGRADES: Discover new backgrounds and power-ups, adding more vibrancy and excitement to your Color Quest journey!.
Version 1.15.1 26 August 2023
• BURNING MAN SPECIAL: Celebrate with the exclusive Mad Mask inspired by the iconic festival!
• TOMB' SEASON: Embark on a quest for crowns and earn special rewards in every mission!
• SKIPITS: Dive into an ad-free experience with Skip’its! Claim all rewards without the interruption of ads!
• COLOR QUEST UPGRADES: Discover new backgrounds and power-ups, adding more vibrancy and excitement to your Color Quest journey!.
Version 1.11.1 14 June 2023
• COLOR QUEST: Dive into the vibrant world of color! Bring the characters to life with your masterful colorizing skills and watch the maze come alive with every stroke!
• TOMB LEAGUE: Rise to the Top in an intense 48-hour battle! Compete against fellow players in the Tomb League and prove your skills to earn exclusive rewards and prestigious rankings!
• MASQUERADE: It’s time to choose your favorite mask and join the party! Collect masks and discover your signature style
Get ready to embark on thrilling new challenges!.
Version 1.10.12 18 March 2023
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.10.11 30 December 2022
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.10.8 13 December 2022
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.10.5 30 August 2022
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.10.4 06 July 2022
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.10.0 04 May 2022
New adventures are waiting for you! We have added 50 unique levels so you can continue your suspenseful journey. Hurry up and grab the mask to explore new tangled mazes full of adrenaline and excitement. Collect sparkling points, use all awesome power-ups, but be careful, someone has set tricky traps on your way.
Arcade mechanics, pixel art minimalism, and simple controls still reign in the crazy Tomb of the Mask world. Solve new puzzles, choose the most optimal paths and become the best explorer of dark labyrinths!
And remember: if you want to survive, act quickly, because speed is your best friend..
Version 1.9.2 12 April 2022
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.9.0 10 November 2021
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.8.1 22 July 2021
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.8.0 16 June 2021
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.17 10 March 2021
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.15 26 February 2021
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.13 14 December 2020
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.12 07 December 2020
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.9 26 October 2020
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Version 1.7.8 07 October 2020
We are ready to make your game experience even greater. Bugs are fixed and game performance is optimized. Enjoy.
Our team reads all reviews and always tries to make the game better. Please leave us some feedback if you love what we do and feel free to suggest any improvements..
Similar game Problems
âś“ Tomb of the Mask Help Center Note

Update your device software to the latest version, delete the app and redownload it from the app store. Your tomb of the mask game progress will be retained as long as the device is connected to the internet. Also, ensure that your device meets the minimum system requirements.